Would you like to volunteer with Hamilton Out of the Cold?
Consider the Following:
Note: Jobs and times are approximate and vary by site.
* Kitchen – purchasing/preparing/cooking food
– noon-4:00 pm
* Dining Room Setup – set up tables & chairs, tablecloths etc.
– 1-1½ hours (usually late morning or early afternoon)
* Serving – serving the prepared meals to our guests
– 4:00-6:00 (those who work during the day often come around 5:00)
* Kitchen Cleanup – wash dishes/cutlery/kitchen
– 5:15-6:30 (most locations have commercial dish washers)
* Dining Room Cleanup – put away tables & chairs, tablecloths, salt & pepper etc.
A VOLUNTEER usually commits to working at one location, one day per week (from a couple of hours to many hours). We do have some volunteers who work at more than one location.
THE DINNER program runs six days a week.
(Monday – Saturday)
THE BREAKFAST program runs every Monday morning at Central Presbyterian Church.